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I always hated math in high school. Somewhat ironic then that through my time in high school I ended up doing 6 math classes. (I hated it, I just couldn't seem to get away from it) 2 of those classes were simply to try to improve my grade so I could get into a course at college which req'd a 60% in math. Perhaps what's most frustrating is that I didn't even end up doing that college course.


A friend and I were talking about this last week, she is able to do financial projections and budgeting and balancing and all sorts of mean and nasty things while I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide and I deal with fractions like a pro (decimal points scare me unless there is also a dollar sign).

She CANNOT do puzzles; word puzzles, math puzzles, logic and such completely boggle her but I on the other hand LOVE them.

My point being that math and such can be fun, but not when it might mean losing your home or car over an error.


No,'s not!


Poor Baldur! I'm a huge math nerd. You should learn to love it, it's a lot of fun.


I'm not quite that flexible, nor do I ever wish to deal with square roots again.
Years ago, when such things seemed all-important (high school) I had to twist my guidance counselor's arm to be allowed to take a geometry course instead of split semesters of algebra-trig/pre-calculus. He was quite determined that I needed advanced math.
Geometry wasn't a great love of mine but chasing obscure numbers was in my opinion worse. I was scoring well above the class average in math but hated it passionately.
I had to convince the man that in no possible future timeline would I ever allow myself to accept a position that required me to use a sliderule.
By taking the other course I still fullfilled the 4 years of mathematics required for graduation.
Perhaps more convincing to him was that I was the only senior with 3 helpings from the English Department on his schedule.

One should always mistrust those who love language.