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Angela, congrats on the win. I have to admit that while all of the submissions made me laugh, yours was my favorite, too! I don't know HOW you got all that expression into their faces and body language. It's just a riot!

And Lynnspotter, this was probably my favorite challenge to follow ever! What a great idea to inspire laughter and smiles for us all! Thanks!


THANK YOU! Chocolate dot at odds made me laugh too. I so appreciate the humor on TD and this was fun.

I leave my window open so I can look at the posted pics often.
Everything posted has value for me and I thank all the participants on TD for sharing.


congrats! we are surely jonzing for the next challenge...


It was SO FUN seeing humor ~ I love it when a pic or title make me laugh! The animations were GREAT! I enjoyed ALL, but kept going back to one in particular. The expressions, the body language, that pointing finger! Drum roll.... Angela, your 'mind your own' was just hysterical!!! Congrats as I pass "THE GOLDEN PEN" to you Angela!!!!