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oooh, hey, feel better soon, Inked... you chose a wonderful subject.

Congrats, Robindcr8l --now the pressure's on you! (smiles)


Okay fine. I'll be serious.

All of the entries are great. I wish I could pick all of them. Polenta, I love you tortoise and hare. So cute. And gwinnyb's picture of the fox and the grapes is amazing. It looks like it came straight from a children's book. Oh, and kmkagle, I cannot stress how stunning your crow and raven picture is.

But there can only be one winner, and that winner is...

Robindcr8l for:

The Fox and the Monkey


The Monkey and the Dolphin

These are just precious. The artwork is superb; you've got the monkey drawing ability down in multiple mediums. I dunno. I just love looking at your little monkey and dolphin. So cute!!! Makes me smile. I'm sick and I just looked at it again. Still makes me smile. So congratulations Robindcr8l.

And thanks to all of you that contributed. All of your artwork was just wonderful. Peace out.


Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this, guys. Been feeling under the weather since late last night. This is going to be a very hard decision.

Screw it. Everybody wins. Hooray!!!


The Oak and the Reeds

In a meadow there grew a mighty oak surrounded by waving green grasses.

The oak was proud of its height and strength and determined steadfastness.
It had no patience with the trembling reeds at its feet.
"Weaklings. Fools. You bow before every breeze. Where is your self-respect?"

But when the storms came, the huge brittle oak lost first twigs, then branches,
and finally with a great groaning and roaring it was torn up and laid sideways.

All the gentle grass blades, who had bent nearly flat,
just relaxed and rose easily upward again
to dance in the sunbeams...
(except of course a few who had been crushed in the tree's fall).

Moral: Never underestimate the strength of resiliance.


The Wind and the Sun

One day a dispute grew between the wind and the sun over which was stronger.

"I am the most powerful overall", said the sun. "I help sustain life."
"I am by far more powerful", said the wind. "I can destroy it!"
Said the sun, "But I can destroy too, given the right chance, gradually."
Said the wind, "Well I can move entire mountains in just a few thousand seasons."

The sun spied a traveller down below, thought a few moments, and smiled.
"See that human coming along the road?" asked the sun.
"Let's see who can get the cloak off his shoulders!"
"Easy," nodded the wind, and immediately began blowing.

Fast moving air whipped up the edges of the loose fabric,
but the traveller reached up and clutched his cape in his fingers.
The harder the wind blew, the tighter the man wrapped it around himself.
Finally the wind quit, having nearly whirled the poor man off his feet.

Then the sun came out from behind a cloud and beamed brightly.
In such golden warmth, the traveller slowly relaxed his grip,
and as the heat increased, even with a breeze still wafting...
he took off his covering altogether.

Moral: Kindness can accomplish more than severity.