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Thanks LaDonna, I'll be coming up with a word list shortly, and i'll get Thinkwrite VIII Started


Well, the time has come for the decision making. I have gone thru all the stories. This was very difficult for me to choose.
Anotherronisms “Crouching in the Mud on the Last Night of the War” was so passionate.
ZeroMercs The Prophecy series made me want to put up a new word list just to see how she could work them in.
SabraAngels Dreamland series is also brilliant and leaves you wanting for more.
Dragon I enjoyed your diverse stories very much and I love the accompanying picture with the story.
Arw65 Very good story and as Dragon said “sad that this happens to so many people who dare to trust someone with all of themselves.” Arw65 this story actually hit very close to home and it stirred emotion in me.
I want to thank all of you who took the time to write these wonderful stories.
So without further ado I pass the torch to Arw65.



I was born in a monastery, unlikely I know, but true. My mother, in her youth, sought to avoid an arranged marriage to a wealthy thug her kinsman had set up. She disguised herself as a boy and came to the monastery to avoid the warfare that would surely ensue after her disappearance. While hiding amongst the acolytes who had promised themselves to Gods service she was discovered by an elderly monk. Being a benevolent soul he kept her secret. Being slightly less than angelic, he fell in love with her and a secret romance arose. Unfortunately for the monk, my mother was shallow and was only using him to keep from being found out. Her plan backfired rather spectacularly when her pregnancy became obvious. After my birth they evicted her. The monk was thrown into a spidery pit in the cellar, his arachnophobia was his penance for the sin of loving careless woman. So that’s how I came to be raised by monks, a solitary girl child among a flock of solemn men. I believe they did their best by me, but I often wonder about the family I may never know and the mother I don’t wish to.


~Dreamland Part 6~

Tony slowly walked back from this mornings meeting. The news was disturbing. Raphael had destroyed a monastery and now was on to find his kinsman who battled with Arachnophobia. He walked past his home to the tower where the Dreamer Caleb slept. It was time. Milton's words rang in his ears....

“Don't try and be angelic and get yourself killed. This warfare is of the heart and mind. Sour romance is shallow. Do not believe the lies that will be whispered in your host's ears. Remain faithful and benevolent.”

With a sigh he entered Caleb's mind and urged him to get up, he needed to be moving quickly if he was to stop Raphael before he killed more people. Caleb woke with a start. The urgency he felt reminded him of the day before and he panicked. Feeling like nothing more than a common thug Caleb hid himself away in his bathroom, determined not to listen to the voice in his head. Patiently Tony waited till Caleb calmed before being more clear. Then, quiet clearly he spoke;

“Caleb, I know you are scared, but people need your help or more will die. The time for valor is now.”


It is amazing how many totally different stories can come from the same 10 words.
In the beginning I thought it would be easy to choose just one, boy was I wrong I love them all!
Keep them coming there great.