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I love it, as always. You re doing really well.


These are the first few paragraphs of an alternate book I am starting. I am looking for some feedback and just general opinions. I will be posting more here once i get more into it

Book one: Death

It was a cold yet unusually bright and sunny day in the big city when a rather young man came running through the slow moving crowd that always seemed to plague New York City sidewalks. The young messenger had medium-length brown hair, deep endless hazel eyes, and nearly flawless features. He wore a brilliantly white shirt that matched his pants covered by a tan long coat, and was barefoot. His coat was blown open with the speed of his movement. Dressed in such a way he should have stood out from the crowd; even in New York, but everyone seemed to move out of his way taking no notice.

Continuing to dart in and out of the dense crowd it wasn’t long before the man slowed down and started looking around for someone specific. After only a brief search he located an older man dressed in a dark grey suit. The man didn’t appear to be anything special; he was an older gentleman whose years were beginning to show in his shoulders. He had a dignified yet withering appearance about him that indicated he had been a very important man once in his life. Now that he had found the gentleman the young messenger could begin to look for who he was after. He was sure to be here somewhere as this old man was in his care.

When the person he was looking for was not evident the young messenger knew where he would be. Things were unfortunately starting to make sense. The unusually bright sunny day, everybody seemed happier than normal, and nobody hollering at him as he sped by; something very evil and dark was brooding. The white man paused a moment to collect himself and then made his way to a nearby alley. He looked around to make sure nobody had seen him enter the ally. Most humans would not be able to comprehend what he was about to do; so it wasn’t so much about privacy as he hated that during the phase people could walk through him. Closing his eyes and concentrating on entering the Shift as it was commonly referred to, when the messenger opened his eyes not only was he in a very different place, his eyes were totally white.

Here, portions of the buildings that surrounded the ally were crumbling. It seemed as though an age had come and gone while these buildings stood watch. Heat emanated from the building to his right suggesting a recent fire. The streets were barley recognizable as paved roads. Chunks of rubble and overturned cars littered the entire avenue. Everything had the color sucked out of it cast in dull grays and blacks. This was the Shift and this was a war zone.