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I understand that Kate... Sad that kids are victomised everywhere & we have to be over protective.


Hi again,

Firstly please forgive my spelling/typing errors in yesterdays post. Not such a good thing for a teacher to do.

Thank you also for wanting to make them welcome. To cover myself and not upset any parents I would need to encourage them to introduce themselves. Sorry if this seems a bit silly but I am new to inviting students to a site and just need to be careful.

Thanks again.
Cheers Kate.


let us know what their login name is when they get it & we will give them a hardy hello...


We look forward to seeing some interesting drawings, kate.


Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that some new users from one of my school classes have joined today. I only got one lesson with them and they are only in year 4. There maybe a few more join up in the next few days.

They were all blown away by the Art work you create and your website was the talk of the playground.

You seem a friendly bunch but I was just giving you a heads up to there age and inexperience in case anyone was 'curious' about some of there art work.

Thanks and keep up the great work it is realy inspiring.