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Cool, thanks midnightpoet. There were a lot of really good stories in there so I'll try to bear the torch well. It's very late here and I'm about to go to bed so I'll dream up a new word list and post it tomorrow. Hee hee, I'm so excited!


Okay, just re-read through all of them...and the new torchbearer is...


for her piece, "Mortality"....because of that last line "immortality cures no one's woes" just got me!

Congrats, Dragon! Can't wait to see your list!


Okay, I'm going to go thru all the stories now...I'll announce a new torch bearer soon.

Just so you know, I will not be commenting on each piece when I do it, because I've already commented as they were submitted, and I'm half asleep and would probably have nothing intelligent to say.


Nice, Dragon! I can see the caverns you're describing!


Ok, this one is a work in progress and I have a crazy amount of plans this weekend so hopefully it won't take me long to get the next installment in.

Into the Tunnels (Part 1)

The cave system was immense. They had been walking for hours and it seemed like there was no end. He knew that without his guide he would be hopelessly lost as everything looked the same. Occasionally they passed through a cavern with pictures and writings on the walls. Ancient stories carved in the alphabet of some long dead culture. The pictures seemed strange, one like an eagle with a toothbrush, another of a tinker eating a strawberry, and always, in every cavern, the reptilian eye watching everything. He wondered if this was all just a fever dream but it was all much too real for that. The tunnels themselves had the quirk of seeming to breathe, the air flowing past in one direction for several minutes before pausing and running back the other way. At first he thought his coming here was serendipity, but now, as he paused to dig a nugget of quartz out of his boot, he was unsure. What would this meeting bring, and was she leading him into a new life.