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Doug, I have directions on how to get the pictures back, if people want to read them fine, if not, it's their loss. Yes, it's happened to me too. You have to log in before commenting or anything. Thanks Doug.


earlier this morning i saved a draft and i had forgotten to login. when i logged in and tried to load the draft it was gone. Being crazy again i just spent an hour working on another "masterpiece" and forgot to login again, but i didn't save the draft i just "submitted" it and it gave me a message that i needed to login and wawlaa my pik was still there. KM: Does that make sense?


Thanks everyone for your feedback. It's kind of like being a sidewalk chalk artist and suddenly it pours down rain .. laughing!


P.S. I need to add, keep opening it and eventually it should come up. Sorry about that!


When you get that message, as I have, many times, you need to go to your browser and open the TD file. Hope this helps you.