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I have to admit, I'm a terrible perpetrator of the "Anyways" thing. I'm afraid I use it all the time in both writing and especially in my speech.
Bad Dragon, BAD!


I wanted to add that I rarely correct people, as some have said it can cause hurt feelings and make a person feel stupid. I can’t deal with it though, I just ignore it in the writing but there are people in my life I won't talk to if I’m having a bad day because I feel like I won’t be able to behave if they misuse or mispronounce a word or phrase.

Again, this is my failing, I’m totally aware of it and I’m far from perfect. I type the vast majority of my text in word or other programs that have a spell check because I know I’m a spelling idiot.

The whole it’s its thing drives me up the wall, on my own I don’t know or care about it in writing so I don’t notice it in other peoples text but I really hate messing up myself.

Anyway (oh that’s another it’s not ever anyways!) just FYI, I’m a stickler for me ya’all do as you like.


As for names, I generally use caps if that's how the person logged in (unless I forget). Some of the longer names I'll occasionally shorten to a nickname. I'm not really picky about how mine is capitalized, I'm just happy no one's shortened it to Drag, I don't think I'd like that.
polenta, you've hit on my pet peeve too, I see people using their contractions worng every where I see people writing or typing. (My co-worker is terrible about this.) I think the one that bothers me the most is when people type something like "Their going to the market" I always think No, no, it's short for "They are".
Though I always see these I geuss I just let them go because, like gwinnyb pointed out, not everyone likes being corrected. So long as I know what someone's trying to say I'll get by. (Plus, though I always try to get my spelling and punctuation right I'm by no means perfect myself:) )


You are absolutely correct in that, polenta...I have a big issue with that common error. Other words often used incorrectly are there, their, and they're; your and you're; and to, too, and two. It drives me crazy when people use the wrong ones...


I'm a native Spanish speaker and English is a foreign language to me but I've been speaking it for decades. I would like to say something with all due respect to you, native speakers about a common spelling "mistake" that I have seen here and elsewhere.
I might be wrong, but this is what I have to say:

IT'S is the contraction of IT IS

ITS (without an apostrophe) is a possessive adjective like MY, YOUR, HIS
etc. Therefore you can't write: The book and it's pages
You should write: THE BOOK AND ITS PAGES.
Thanks and I apologize for interfering in your knowledge of Shakespeare's language. Correct me if I'm wrong please.