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It was midnight and the moon had not risen. In the pitch black forest of east Washington, a little girl ran for her life. Fear clouded her vision and s he stumbled over the roots of the massive trees. With each step she took pain shot up to her hips. I’ll never make it. She thought desperately. She paused to listen, ears straining for the slightest of noises. Snap. With the ever growing closer foot falls, she felt chills rippling through her spine followed by the warmth of heat as it spread across her chest and up her neck ending at the tips of each hair. Panic. With the rest of her strength she ran blindly through the woods. Then with a piercing cry she disappeared. Night had fallen.


I have that and the Picture up on my FB.


SabraAngel, you have a true talent for writing. You made me feel like I was really there. I really want to see that picture now.

~A Journey~

Come with me and I'll take you on a journey. An amazing journey of a penny less photographer.

Close you eyes, and imagine that you are standing in a field. for miles and miles around you there is nothing but fields and a few trees. Open your eyes farther and you see off in the distance a tall stone structure covered in bright green vines. The photographer's instint kicks in and you know you must make that trip to get that perfect picture.

The mind now takes over your body.

Sight: You see bright blue skies overhead, and sparse earth below, you keep your eyes on your feet so not to trip, briefly looking up to look at your goal. The Stone Silo. As you walk though the field you see spiders running from hiding spot to hiding spot and little frogs jumping out of your way. Small creeks that make your journey tougher. But you were not born to quit so still you press on

Sounds: You are miles from any real human life, as you tune in to your senses you hear birds chirping a joyful tune and the wind blowing through the trees, the sound of your steps as it crunches on old corn stems and the squishing sound as you walk through mud, praying not to slip and fall.

Touch: You feel the pounding in your heart as you press on, the throbbing in your legs as the mussels tire, the sweat pouring down your face, the hot sun beating relentlessly down upon you. Dryness in your mouth as you begin to thirst.

Smells: You are heaving by now, tired because it is a long journey, as you breath in you notice the scents that await you outside. At first you smell the sweet sent of pollen as the wind carries it by, but as you tramp on you begins to notice other smells, the dirt and its earthiness mixed in with the hides of the cattle you know are near by, then as a breath of wind blows by you smell the salty sweat on you skin as the sun beats down upon you. over and over again the same scents repeat themselves.

One foot after the other you continue, knowing what a wonderful scene you have once you reach it. Wanting to share that one picture with everyone you know thinking it would make their day that much brighter. Again and again your mind runs through all the sights, sounds, smells, and how it all feels to you.

Upon reaching your goal and capturing that precious moment you turn and make your way back to where you started, listing to all around you breathing in the wonders of nature and you hear the still small laughter, the Laughter of God as he enjoys seeing you bask in the pure wonder of his creation.


*gasp* How did this miss my eye! *scrambles over papers and notes*