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Then we would all have to draw using the same identity... Change my user name from Matthew to JMDx3 (My household all have the same initials JMD)...


to be honest, matthew, we all know that you have a large 'home support team', but you've also made an enormous effort to build relationships with a much wider base of TD'ers - and every word of encouragment is welcomed by a newbie, as you, I and everyone else is fully aware... and that's just the way it is !

You're talking about limiting the number of userid's a PC can have.. but what if you, jmdx3mom, midnightpoet, joy, etc., etc., were all using the same PC (like lots of people only have one PC in the family) ?

I really don't want to cloud this issue - I want a change to the 'highest rating' method right now, and we can argue the toss about the rest later.


...One of the weaknesses; as Ron pointed out; is the fact that anyone can vote on their own pics as often as they wish to create a new identity.

... I personally have my wife, 2 daughters, my son & his wife, 3 employees & a couple of friends that I can nearly always count on a vote from...

... That in itself is unfair because it is like I get a head start on most of my pics...

... but I could; just as easy; create my own family and friends...

... I created "ThinkDrawUS" & "OneVoteBandit"

... I am not computer savy enough, but isn't there a way to limit the number of identities one computer is allowed?


-i +e


Luna, please don't deprive us of your dilightful drawings. I have learned so much from you. Of course the voting system needs sorting out ... I will join a campaign to get it fixed, because there's no justice in it. The manipultive voting has got to be stopped somehow, and soon.