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answer: the whole thing is screwed !


...I was confused with the order in faces & Gothic... Each had a pic with the most AND the highest rating but were 4th & 5th in the top 5... How a pic with 16 5's beat a pic with 23 5 votes is beyond me...


Thanks! I wonder if the voting system just reverted back to the highest rated because thats what it seems like...I'm More upset that Luna's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid got bumped out of top 5 even tho that pic had more 5 votes than anything in top 5.


ARW ~4.96 ~ave. , but with 10 more votes than any in top 5. mmmm....... Voting system STILL not fixed!?!? Arw , you seem to have received the pick from 'the masses'!! Congrats!!


ARW's pic in fruit was nearly unanimously picked as the #1 pic in fruit... was disappointed to see that it wasn't slotted in top 5...
