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I've had that happen to in both Candy and Flowers. When I submitted my picture they disappeared but they were very disconcerting while I was drawing.


I got them too, at a certain point, with a lot of close layering of the same unit, regardless of the theme being used. I've seen this happen in other paint programs... it's like at a certain point, each successive unit added erases part of the piece below. I got around it by layering with a different unit to break the rhythm, which generally seemed to work.

I am no sure why it happens (bet Ron knows)... some kind of interference overload, I'd guess.


here is an example of what im talking about, watch the playback and notice the faces,


I've noticed when I have to put several items close together and overlapping, i end up with white spots showing up where before there was the color i intended.
the white spots tend to show up in animals more than any other theme I've noticed. any idea why this is happening?