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I checked out your link. Pretty interesting. Tempting to recycle some of juicier apt quotes from the last page (the polite juicy ones, that is), but I'll skip it, and try to figure out what should happen next (perhaps something other than nothing).


You're welcome. Ironic indeed. If I knew you'd originated this thing, I must have forgotten ages ago. Thanks. Well done.

However... seems the distinction between fact and opinion got misplaced here. Ill, perhaps, or cocooning, or mutating, and certainly degenerating of late—but dead? Seems at least slightly hasty to make that pronouncement. That which can degenerate can regenerate, as long as it isn't stone cold dead in every cell.

Of course your own participation may be dead, if you want it to be, but that's different—in your case, like letting your offspring fend for themselves when the time comes to let go. If you've really had enough of them you can curse them and say "You're dead to me" or "For all care, you might as well die" but you don't generally toss them in a pit and shovel dirt over them to make sure, just because you've had enough and you're not impressed by how they're turning out.

Anyway, you went out in style with the god-smacked sermonette.


Thank you chelydra for passing me the torch.

It's ironic I should receive it as I actually started ThinkWrite five years ago to the month.

Five years brings a lot of change and unfortunately my creativity is not what it once was. I'm going to use this post as a final resting place for ThinkWrite. Its funny I stumbled across the attempted reboot and will be sorry to see it end.

Of course - anyone is free to re-reboot TW any time.

Thanks everyone over the past five years that has contributed. Someone should crawl through the old posts and the TW website and compile all the stories into a collection. Hmmm...

Alas - TW is dead.
