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Oh hjjr! What did you go and choose me for?? Now I have to be all responsible and think about a sensible topic for everyone. I am of course deeply honoured and will do my best to run with the baton.

Good Job, Mom!


On 6 Feb 09, MugDots2 sent out a challenge
Like puzzler, I was not involved in the Mugdots Challenge until the baton was passed to me. [love the moniker 'Mugdots'] Had I researched the origins of the challenge before I posted, I would have focused on a single item rather than such a broad concept. Nevertheless, a week has gone and it is time to pass the baton to one of the fine artists who answered.
Thanks, Login, for your pithy pics and for broadening our knowledge of penguins.
five gave us a charming depiction of an ancient ancestor.
clorophilla put us ALL in the picture of early human life.
Yet, puzzler took it to the very crux and core of the matter. Therefore, I pass the baton to you, puzzler.



Fascinating info, Login! Love the Welsh origin. Are you familiar with "A WORD A DAY?" One brave soul has been giving us a word with its origins every weekday for 15 (?) years. Great fun & free. He always gives a couple of published examples and ends with an (unrelated) pithy quote. (Please excuse the interruption in hjjr's Challenge!)