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One more MD for Mugdot Challenges.


I can add BG = Background; 3D = tridimensional; HB = happy birthday; FAVs = favourites; Top5 = top five (of the month)... I'm sure there are more!
As Italian, in the beginning I also was really confused by the "alfabetic soup", now I'm accustomed but it needs time...


Thank you bugoy1! I appreciate it


Hello KliaMia,
I'm new here and was also confused by certain abbreviations. PB is usually short for "playback". Some of the artists here throw in some cool things that can only be seen in the PB. FT is another abbreviation that took me a while to understand. FT is for "Fun Tuesday". On Tuesday it appears to be an extra theme for the day.

I'm sure there are more, but those two are the only ones I can think of right now.


Hello Think Draw buddies! I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong forum. Please direct me to the proper place if my question should be posed in another area or through another method.

I've read and received comments that include "PB" in them, and I can't figure out what PB means. I've tried figuring it out given the context, but I'm still clueless. Would someone please let me know what PB means? Also, is there a listing of commonly-used acronyms (if there are others used regularly) on this site?

Thank you in advance for your help, and thank you also for letting me be a part of such a great group of talented and friendly members.

Kimberly (KliaMia)