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Thanks indigo, I hope so too but they are determined not to let this put them off as they are having too much fun!


Chirping I hope your friend stays with us. We have lost a few nice people in the past to this and it' s a shame. I wouldn't let the mean people "win".


Thanks for your reply TD...I will pass this info on to my friend, although they may already have done something about themselves.


Hi chirping1,

Just send a message through the feedback form with the picture number and we will remove the rude comment. We can also block the offending account from commenting on other pictures if necessary.

Thanks, TD


I hope its not starting again. Someone I know has recently joined TB. They are still very much learning yet someone has been incredibly rude about one of their pictures. The public profile of the offender implies more than one family member uses the account, including a child (?) who maybe the person who has written the mean remark.
Can these trolls be reported anywhere other than discussing it on the forum?