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Great idea! That would be wonderful!


Every end of the month I update the "surf saver" topic enlighting the new TDers' work, but is so difficult to pic out new users in the gallery, and I need to open and open again so many pics for check the time of subscription.

When we select the gallery pics, we have many options in the box "SHOW:" - my pictures, users I follow, my favourites and all pictures. It would be very useful, anyway, to have another option: "New users", making possible to see the new users in the last month.

This kind of feature would be the best, for me, but as a second option I would suggest that, in the gallery home page, we can access to a full gallery of new users, coming back at least for a month, and not just a single page only, as it happens now when we click on the "see all" button.

Could it be done? It should be so nice to be able to check new artists thoroughtly, as they so often skip away unobserved, not being already in our "followed" artists...

thank in advance!