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I'm SO very sorry. I have far too many problems to deal with and will not have any time for TD for at least another month or 2. I will be so very anxious to get back to the drawing and any challenges, but that will not happen for quite some time. I'm appointing LIZZI to carry on with the baton. Thanks to all for entering, and will be sending you the youtube video when I'm back in June...or July


Back again. I'm thinking that this is okay with everyone because I haven't heard back with a negative. IF anyone would like to proceed with a new challenge, that's fine too, and I'll still plan to get this one finalized May 1. I'm not sure how that would work with the baton, but that can be worked out later.


When I fall into a bit of 'bad luck' it seems to trigger a chain reaction. My computer keyboard has been impaled by a metal curtain rod, (yes this all started with the puppies, long story) I am so terribly sorry about not getting this completed as planned. If there isn't a real urgency to move along with this right now, I need a couple of weeks, and am asking until May 1. I'm able to borrow a computer for a few minutes daily and will check back for any responses to this request tomorrow.


thanks for asking clo....I have not forgotten this, but the entire puppy thing has been so very time consuming. I am hoping to get back with a video of a draw for the winner and am also putting some interesting things together on it . It's so much more interesting to communicate with other people if we know a bit about them. I'm hoping that my idea starts a bit of a snowball rolling for those who don't mind sharing a bit about themselves this way! It might be fun! I would like to get this to you asap, but that might not be until the weekend.


Hi BOQ - how is going Lacey? and her puppies?
I post here so the topic will return on top.
What do you want to do, another go or close the challenge?
c'mon TDers, last minute...