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Thank you, ladyhwin! It's wonderful to see ThinkWrite attracting such marvellous writing again and I'm honoured to have been passed the torch.

I'll be back in a while with a list, and fingers crossed that the revival will continue...


I think the torch is burning brightly again, and I am proud to hand it over to MUM for her brilliant second entry. It was a beautifully written piece and captured my interest intensely.
I can't wait to see what will happen in the next challenge!


Thank you everyone for making this a wonderful challenge! I have read all of your pieces several times over... what awesome writing!!
As used to be a tradition... I have chosen one little tidbit out of each story as a recap before I announce the winner.... so here goes...

Mum's first entry: "The cicadas were deafening as she meandered to their secluded bower."

Marg: "and then.. then you gave me your garnet .. um.. ring."

Rebel Sun's first entry: "She spent a good percentage of her waking hours there, watching the golden sun fall from its azure zenith, ultimately losing its duel with the horizon."

chelydra: "I’m flummoxed. You mean his fealty to you was based on your way with toadskins? I can’t fathom it."

Mum's second entry: "Calmly, knowingly, the yellow eyes looked into his."

five: "Azure -- the blue color of clear sky -- broke through. Decay was a drowned out melody."

Nylecoj: "making the waters shine in deep azure splendor as wraiths of white fog swirled from their surface to be caught in a duel between the West wind and the East breeze."

Rebel Sun's second entry: "The welkin blue becalms my frightening, and I feel my burdens lightening."


All of the optional words...two hundred words in total(with the title)...a nod to the late, great Poe...


Ring in hand, I sat there besotted, with my insides fully knotted,
Misgivings guilelessly pelting me where I confidence once bore…
While I sat there in a flummox, ‘midst that field of unkempt tussocks,
With some vermin in my stomach, stomach that did undermine my chore.
Umpteen months I had been a hunter after smiles a-front her door,
Out of my league this girl was for sure.

‘Neath the sky’s clouds of white a-billow, my lap serving her as pillow,
My love blazoned on my forehead, my doubts becudgeling my mind…
Her hands clasped round a daffadowndilly, my darkling thoughts delve willy-nilly,
Confustication mine was so silly, silly and so unfathomable in kind,
Deserves she nothing but my fealty…put these unworthy thoughts behind
I light my cob pipe to unwind.

The welkin blue becalms my frightening, and I feel my burdens lightening
Her smile like an apricity assuaging the long cold winter of solitude mine.
‘Pon one knee I fall in her hand seeking, stuttering in nervous speaking,
While inside my fears are freaking, shrieking that it might go awry,
The blade of Damocles suspended depends upon her words and eyes
Unstop the barrels, her answer is “Aye”.


100 words, all the words are in, but I "cheated" on the word related to hundred, I just used hundred.

The sun rose like a golden flame bursting light across the earth as she peeked over the bower of the trees, turning the grassy hills into glowing emeralds set with flowers of garnet, making the waters shine in deep azure splendor as wraiths of white fog swirled from their surface to be caught in a duel between the West wind and the East breeze. The melody of a hundred birds filled the air, a tune for all others to wake to, for them, the dawn is the zenith of the day, to sigh, the best part of life, to welcome Spring!