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It's like that here too Clo, all the different races came to California during the gold rush so theres a fantastic amount of diversity!


Well Lizzi but this is AGAIN a stereotype!
and quite racism also...

I live in ROme, exactly at the center, and we have our stereotype also about "romans". Well, I think when I catch the bus or walk or go in a coffe bar, or at postal office etc, I could meet hundred of people and se no one "roman", but every single race, country, culture, Italian region etc...

ad about south people, if you go there you'll se again people of all the skin, hair etc.
In the south we had Normans also, so there are southern people with pale skin blue eyes and blonde or red hairs.


^_^ Clo! I think a lot of our immigrants came from southern Italy, hence the darker colouring etc. I have been to both north and south in Italy, so I see the difference.
One northern Italian woman said that they are like two different countries; different appearance, different mentality, different ways. She thought they should put a border between!


lol Clo


Ok - and what about Italian people?

Music-spaghetti-sun-sea-love-do nothing- and it could be worse: thieves, mafia ecc ecc

MEN: red striped T-shirt, olive skin, short, black hair, moustached, heavy southern accent...

WOMEN: beautiful, buxom, black hair, black brigth eyes, etc...

Pavarotti, Rodolfo Valentino, Sophia Loren, Al Capone, Ferrari, Caruso...

LOL- we are not so!!