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I don't think we mind being copied so much as the lack of credit given, Now that I'm back, several of mine are being copied again. But as some of us have pointed out, they appear to be young contributors.

Brigsis, it is irritating when those works get the comments, and you want to say, "hey, it's a copy!" Your work is good, don't let this discourage you!


When I see these, I see a compliment to the original ~ makes me smile twice. No need for upset, there's no bad intent in it. It happens all the time, esp with new TD users. And no need to insult the skill of the copy-cat... not exactly easy to copy someone's pic, is it?


Thanks Lizzi.


Lizzi was well aware that Brigsis is "only thirteen". Lizzi is astonished that Brigsis would describe herself that way.
Your art, Brigsis, shows you to be a much older and more sophisticated person than the little girl who copied your picture.
Remember when you were so young that you regarded a 13-yr-old as a powerful goddess? How old was that?


Just so you know Lizzi I am only 13.