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Oh shoot. Procrastination strikes again. I had hoped I had till the end of today. Never really got any great ideas for this one, though. Sorry I missed it. Will try on the next one.


Thanks, morshy, for the nod and for the diversion of trying to use "cayuse", "prehensile", and "tectonic" all in the same story...and a super-short one at that. My first draft had almost 600 words in was darn tough taking out most of the back story and a lot of the middle and end as well. I hope I did justice to the list. Also, thank you to cathyallheart...I enjoyed your story of magical murder and maternal misdeed. A new list will be posted forthwith.


Seems this challenge may well have had a lot of you stumped, and for that I apologise.

Only two entries, which actually makes the decision a lot harder, because it's difficult not to hurt a person's feelings when it's a stright out choice between the two.

However, there must be a winner. I've considered the relative merits of both entries, and confirm that the winner is: Rebel Sun. First time poster, first time winner. Congratulations Rebel Sun.

Cathyallheart, if you'd like some feedback on your entry, please feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks to everyone for checking the word list out. If I happen to win one of these challenges again, I'll definitely review my picking process!

Good luck Rebel Sun, and congratulations again.


here is my entry:

Oh, how I wish I could,
Dancing in the wind,
Instead I sit at this seedy desk,
Dreaming of a bower,
To learn to read of what is to regenerate.

I mimic the sway of the flower, for even a flower has the most fundamental needs. The queen’s voice stops me.
“You backstabber! He will never love a witch, much a puny little pathetic one like you! After all he is just a puny mortal!”
I peer and see a woman dressed in black and a crown holding a knife at anther woman’s throat. As I watch I want to leave, blood dripping down her body and then the screaming stops. That was when I first watched a murder. By my own mother.

It is unwise stay I,
Leave on a silver cayuse.
I try to act nonchalant,
While my tectonic life,

Prehensile understanding, I choose not to grab. I am faster than the wind, clutching my broom I leave the evil ruling my life.


I know Cathyallheart's got something almost done. I got a sneak preview today. It's pretty darn good work, if I do say so myself. I'm off to consult my dictionary and see what I can come up with. That is definitely some list.