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thanks FIve for adding you pic. Please add more, I'll share them for a better awareness of this problem.




In June this year, Bear and Kooda, two bulldog/bull mastiff staffy cross puppies, who were loved and properly cared for by their owners, were killed by a city council in the Australian state of Victoria.

Their owners had contacted the council to register the dogs, and had proof from the breeder of the dogs that they had no pitbull blood in them, yet a council inspector decided that they did, purely by the way they looked. Despite taking the case to court, they were deemed to be a restricted breed and sentenced to death.

These dogs had never shown any aggression to anybody. The owners had been trying to do the right thing and lost their beloved pets because of it.

The laws and decisons used in this case, and others like it, will only make the problem of dangerous dogs worse. Dogs need to be socialised. If the people who own these types of dogs, or dogs that look like them, are afraid to have them out in public, they will not get that socialisation, and are thus more likely to become dangerous if they do meet other dogs and people.

The real problem is not the breed of dog in question. The problem is always the owner. A 'dangerous' breed in good hands can be a perfectly safe and wonderful companion. The answer to this problem is teaching people how to be good and responsible dog owners, not condemning innocent animals to death. This sickening situation cannot be allowed to continue.


Wicca is gone...
here there is a heart-breaking letter her owner wrote to her:

R.I.P. my little girl. Please forgive me, WE know it’s not your fault for getting scared. I want you to forgive me for this cruel way you had to leave me , I really thought we would grow old together.
I tried the best i could to keep you happy and healthy I even got a king size just for you to have more room to sleep with me, it’s bean very lonely with out you here. I’m gonna miss waking up at your bad smelling breath. You saved my life and I thank you for that, you were the best friend I ever had. You always looked out for me but now look out for me from up there, trust me it’s safer for you then this cruel would we live in. btw go find my grandfather and keep him some company. I’m sure you’ll love him too just as much you loved all of US.
We will miss having you licking our feet, faces, hands, I’ll miss cleaning up after you when you drink, poop, when you would go thru the garbage. At least we had a good times together, it’s hard when I see your crate and you’re not on your pillow or next to me.
I Promise you little girl I will never forget you, I cant. I’m here cause of you, every breath I take I think of you, you ware MY TRUE LOVE , I loved you more then anything. I promise you, we will change this stupid law that killed you. we’ll make it the WICCA/LENNOX LAW. The 11th of July 2012 was the judgment for Wicca andLennox’s death, just cause of their breed.
WE WILL MISS YOU WICCA my little girl (skilitsa mou) :”(
RIP, Sweet Wicca.


from london to Montreal... now is Wicca the "evil" dog to kill... please sign the petition... I'm so ashamed being human in these times...