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Thank you very much Workingoutaname! I am honored. Midnight, thanks for your compliments, they are always encouraging. I loved everyone's entries, and will post the new challenge as soon as possible


Congratulations, big sister! I am truly enjoying writing for these challenges again


How lucky to be so talented. Thanks guys! Looking forward to MORE! ^J^


Excellent choice, Work! Also, I hope your internet troubles get resolved soon.

Well deserved congrats, Nylecoj! Look forward to your challenge.


WOW! I'm so impressed by everything everybody has done with this over the past few weeks. It's really quite amazing.

As I said before, I'm having internet troubles (I'm at a coffee shop now), so I don't have much time; but I will announce the winner today and comment briefly on the pieces I've not yet commented on.

@midnight, you're two entries since I've been here were amazing. I loved the story of the boy needing to lead. It was definitely my favorite; and that final line? Magic.

@ladyhwin, you left me wanting SO MUCH MORE from your entry!! It was a fascinating mystery which was left as a mystery and I loved that.

@Nylecoj, Awesome. Just awesome. I really really loved how your story flowed. Not only was it smooth, but it was... not deceptive... unrevealing?... it had me questioning what was happening from the start and then the end was so quick and perfect. I found myself thinking of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson when I finished it. As soon as I finished I knew you were the winner. Your story got to me.

So, congratulations Nylecoj! It's your turn to write up a challenge. Thank you everybody for entering and for your patience with me and my computer issues!!