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Congratulations to all the top 5's for May! Clorophilla, thank you for your kindness. You along with all the wonderful people on TD make this a wonderful place!


OK - I just realize that LastCrazyHorse DO achieved the TOP5 directly in the Avatars theme...

Much ado about nothing...

I just want to add my congrats to Lesley_Gene who had eight TOP5s this month!!


I want to congrats to all the TOP5ers of May, and expecially to the new artists.

I would like also to congrats with the new artists that didn't achieve the TOP position, sometimes maybe for chance.

I think that the Top5 this month has been rated too early, when not all the TDers has still given their FAVs.

We have Ked_Pretzel in the range, a nice artist with a pretty pic, having yet 15 votes and zero FAVs, and just 3 pics (all three made on 11 may), Gohha - very promising artist! - with a pic with 10 votes and 1 FAVs, and Peanuts1995, with a very interesting pic but just 7/2. Yet we haven't in the TOP5s shuch a good and productive artist as LastCrazyHorn, who made 18 pics in 13 days, in wich there are some vote/FAV rates as 9/2, 11/1, and 13/3.

I don't obviously want my words could in some way belittle the fine art of all the new TDers in the TOP5! I would like to have 10 "TOP5 New Artists" every month if it could be possible... And I'm quite sure we'll see LastCrazyHorne in the TOP5s of next months, if he'll keep drawing (I hope so!).

I would like also to have a rule for voting multiple drawings. I'm in the Gothic TOP5 with all two pics of mine multiple drawing "The Juggler", and I would like so much to hand over one of two to another artist... one is enough! So I wonder if TD staff could applie a rule that allow only one of multiple pics to find place in a TOP5 cathegory.

Thank you all for keep drawing, this is the core joy of this wonderful site!