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I'm so glad you accept, Midnight!! I'm so glad to see others who are excited about TW!!!


Thank you, Lady!

I must also say, I'm glad to see TW back here. The other site was wonderful, but it didn't work out. Being back here now, it's so great to see the submissions from Nylecoj and Marg who haven't written in a challenge in so long - great to see you guys!

I gladly accept the torch and thank you all for all the kind words.

Sorry, I'm getting all sentimental. GROUP HUG!


Congratulations Midnight! I enjoyed everyone's stories, I had no idea how much I missed having TW here

Marg- The imp was sort of based on a little brother, but I suppose it had a piece of me in it too. I am very glad it made everyone laugh


And since it is the 16th already, at least where I live, I have to pass the torch off...

Midnight - its yours I admire your writing and this piece was no exception! You inspired me to bring TW back here and hopefully you're alright with me passing it back to you now


Alright, thank you all for your responses! I'm so glad to see that people are happy about the change.

Marg - to clarify... although the TW site was a wonderful thing, the original TW challenge was dying out, so I talked with TD and we moved it back here, hoping that this works out better! And I'm glad to see so many responses and from people I remember from quite a long time ago! Loved your story too, beautiful writing!!