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Re: What is the expansion of the universe
Last edited by Radrook; Feb11-12 at 08:15 AM.. #3


Posts: 273
A teacher told us that it is just the space between the galaxies that is expanding,


Your teacher should have qualified her statement. It's the voids that separate galactic superclusters which are arranged as filaments and walls surrounding these voids that is expanding. The space within supereclusters themeselves or regular clusters, or solar systems or anywhere else where gravity predominates isn't expanding. The effect is that the supercluster fillaments are becoming more distant from one another regardless of their individual proper motions. The effect does not appear to be a crushing one.

Supervoids and superclusters point to dark energy

The nature of dark energy is one of the biggest puzzles of modern science, but it is thought to work against the tendency of gravity to pull galaxies together, causing the Universe’s expansion to speed up. Impressively, astronomers from the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy were able to catch this elusive dark energy in action as it stretches out the largest known structures in the Universe: supervoids and superclusters, vast regions of space half a billion light years across, containing either a deficit or surplus of galaxies, brought about by density fluctuations in the early Universe.

About the expansion itself generating a logical paradox, you are right, it does. Especially if we dogmatically insist that the universe is infinitely large which means it is boundless. Which creates the paradox can something which is boundless or infinite in size actually increase? If it indeed increases then it wasn't infinite to begin with because to increase means to exceed former boundaries. If the universe is finite then that leaves room for an increase into something and permits such theories as the multiunivers and the brane theories to be viable.

To assume that whatever is mathematically representable provides indisputable proof of its existence in nature constitutes a conclusion based on a false premise. There are presently many theories involving dimensions as part of the String Theory expressed mathematically and their existence via the scientific method is as yet improvable and might well turn out to be just as bogus as other once-popular mathematically viable ideas have.

The problem arises when we confuse potential infnity, as in a number line, with boundless tansfinite spatial infinity. Potential infinity allows for the addition of more space just as a number line allows it. However, transfinite infinity does not.

Here are some links in agreememt with this conclusion:

Aristotle also distinguished between actual and potential infinities. An actual infinity is something which is completed and definite and consists of infinitely many elements, and according to Aristotle, a paradoxical idea, both in theory and in nature.

Can anything 'real' be infinite?


Re: Hypothetical way to travel faster than light, but not technically exceed lightspe
Last edited by Radrook; Feb6-12 at 06:52 PM.. #3


Posts: 273


Would it be possible to create a controlled expansion of space behind a vehicle along a single path, like a corridor, that would change your position in space technically faster than light?


I gather you mean the warp drive or Alcubierre drive involving space itself transporting the ship along with it at FTL speed to a predetermined destination. Well, it would be nice if it were as easy as the Star Trek episodes make it seem. Unfortunately the obstacles that such a method of travel would have to overcome are so daunting as to make it seem totally impossible not only with current technology but with any technology we can presently realistically envision.

For example one method requires preparing the trajectory for the ship beforehand. Obviously such preparation demands FTL capabilities. Other problems involve the inability of the crew to control the ship. Still others involve the application of mind-boggling impossible energies required to manipulate the fabric of space that way. The article below discusses these and others.

Alcubierre drive

The Glen research center site has an article about what it claims to be the general scientifically-derived consensus on the FTL idea based on warp drive.

Glen Research Center

Status of "Warp Drive"

"Warp Drives", "Hyperspace Drives", or any other term for Faster-than-light travel is at the level of speculation, with some facets edging into the realm of science. We are at the point where we know what we do know and know what we don’t, but do not know for sure if faster than light travel is possible.

The bad news is that the bulk of scientific knowledge that we have accumulated to date concludes that faster than light travel is impossible.


Re: How do I find the age of a star?
Last edited by Radrook; Feb17-12 at 04:34 AM.. #10


Posts: 272

This method [a new one presently limited to certain types of stars] is based on how fast the star is spinning.


A new method is helping scientists assess the ages of isolated stars, including all stars known to have planets....A star's rotation slows with time, research shows, giving scientists a clock to understand its age.

The research is published in May 20 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.


Re: Real pictures of black hole eating a star?
Last edited by Radrook; Feb11-12 at 01:07 AM.. #18


Posts: 272

It isn't inherently always impossible to see a star being ripped apart in visible light since there is nothing that prevents such visible light from reaching us during that process. That is unless distance makes the event too dim or dust intervenes. But otherwise a person nearby would see the whole thing unraveling in all its glory in VS as well.

First time ever: scientists see jets as black hole swallows a star

They suggest that the lack of signal in the visible spectrum is probably a product of some dust sitting between us and Sw 1644+57, which absorbed the event's output in that area of the spectrum....

Please note that it is essential to separate accretion disk radiation and the star itself as it is being cannibalized. They are two totally temporally different and qualitatively separate phenomenon. One involves radiation produced by the star's material accelerated around the BH and producing GR and X-Ray radiation .The other observable phenomenon involves the star itself as it gradually loses material and luminosity until it final disappears and is no longer visible in any LS.

As long as the star itself hasn't gone beyond the BHEH its light will reach us. If it doesn't reach us or reaches us too faintly during the process it isn't because of BH gravity prevents it or because the visible light spectrum is being nullified during the event. It is because of extreme distance or intervening dust as the article below points out .

Here are images in visible light after the X-rays were detected.

On the left is his observation on April 1, and on the right on April 4. The position of GRB 110328A is circled. As you can see, it was pretty faint. It has apparently faded somewhat over the three day interval — which is expected; the initial event (a star getting torn apart! I can’t get over that!) released a huge flash of energy which faded over time. It’s hard to see in the two images because the burst looks about the same brightness, but the second observation had a longer exposure time (you can see fainter stars in it), so the source did fade.

Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio waves, visible light, X-rays, and all the other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are fundamentally the same thing. They are all electromagnetic radiation.
