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I enjoyed the subject of this challenge, the pictures, your choice and your comment


Thank you clorophilla!! I will post the new challenge tomorrow.


Excellent choice. Congratulations Meander!


at least, the end of the path

I'm so glad to see so many pictures, far beyond my expectations!

we had 6 old pics (thanks Meander, Sandm, Rene355 and Trying) and 18 news (including my two). Let me say that all your works are amazing! There is somethig mesmerizing in the concept of path and I saw it in all your drawings. Now, the hard thing is to chose!

Sandm - I loved your past and present paths. You gave us 3 old pictures, and two news, very simple, bright and lovely (expecially the "sea of love" path!).
Jaybuddy - your remakes are always interesting to see, the gocard's path to the beach was a favourite subject for me and you rendered it lovely!
I love the Normal's path along the shore, and for the same reason!
Afsouth - so true, the whole universe is a neverending path!
Cathyalltheheart - I liked your night path, as well the others of Arw, Lesley_gene. Meander and Pumpkingirl (obvoiusly the "stars" showcase gave a nocturn switch to the challenge!).
I have to mention Lizzi again for an interesting concept - the path of least resistance.
Again, interesting ideas came from mdawrcn, with the less traveled path, and Marg, I always appreciate you humor, and enjoyed very much your explanation of *WHY* is it less travelled!!

At the end, I wandered between those 8 beautiful finalists: - mdawcrn and Lesley_Gene Pumpkingirl meander Priya41 Arw65 Lizzi

finally, I struggled between mdawcrn's and Meander's pics, unable to chose...

I pass the baton to Meander, who I guess did never start a challenge before (how it possible?!?!), so I'm intrigued to see what she'll offer to our imagination!

congrats and thank you all for your beautiful work!


thank for all yours new additions... Just a day and half left... This time it'll be really hard to chose the winner!!