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OMG - ok, then I share it on facebook on 20th of April!


Oh, Clo, blessings to you. It is the 20th of April.


I read that today, 20th of March, it was the day to make Kony visible... hope to be in time!


The TD Community has brought this pic onto the main gallery page with their votes, enhancing the effect of building awareness. Congratulations to those of you who have voted. I am proud to be a member of such a caring community.


The idea is to use art to build social awareness. We are trying to make Joseph Kony the most famous person in the world. The reason he has been able to abduct, rape, kill, torture, (insert graphic description here) over 60000 people, is because he is unknown. He's the most wanted sociopath in the world. To get politicians to feel supported in efforts to contribute to his demise, we need to build awareness. Thank you for helping me understand the obstacles.