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OK - time to close this challenge...
As I can't be viewed as the winner of this challenge - I was the only participant - I inherited by Sandm the burden to close it.

It's a pity that it passed by "empty": as I said, quite difficult task but just for that, "challenging"!
There are also, sometimes, busy times and few drawers available to join a challenge.
That's it!

Anyway, this challenge ends without a winner, and I carry on the baton and will come out soon with a new idea, hoping to a better fortune!


well, this isw the only thing I could draw. Such a difficult challenge!

when I think to Lent I just see the vestments. I'm not familiar with the religious recurrence; and your explanation is very clear and exaustive, but difficul to draw. I thought to fast, but what to draw it? And also about purification it was evocating the image of me staing quiet and happy under the rain, but it's a very difficul subject to draw... so, this is my two cents!


The challenge starts today Feb 23rd and lasts untill March 15th.


Thanks for winning the challenge, its a great honor:) - and meanwhile its going to be the second actual challenge I am maintaining. (Makes me thinking ... "of something":)
Ok, according to our present time and some other ideas of actuality it is "Lent".
The meaning of lent is first of all the (inner) cleaning and regeneration of the body. (It does not mean to stay hungry or to be self-denying or to bear pain.)
In general, this period is a time to get rid of all what is old and no longer needed or wanted. A time to support emotional balance and to clean spirit and soul. And it means the preparation and transformation to a profound new life in light and abundance.
Well, good luck - I am already curious (not so easy)