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Thank you Normal, this is another example, how easily things can get "immortal".
I just saw that the new showcase is "Love". Hm ... now I really have to think about a new challenge, bc I wanted it to be "What IS love". Interesting, what has happened, if I had opened it earlier. ..
OK, lets take "symbols". There are so many symbols used, sometimes in various meanings. So it would be nice to comment the picture.


The first person to start these challengea (before my time too) was called "Mugdots." No idea what it meant to her! The name ended up being immortalized in the ongoing challenges.


Thank you cathyallheart, I take the baton:) But before a open a new challenge, I would like to know the meaning of "Mugdot". Never have heard this word.


thank you both for you pic(s.) clorophilla your pics were great, sandm
you win. i pass you the baton.


something to help the flow