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I liked your thirsty puppy, JB. Your fish skeleton was pretty funny but I doubted that it was thirsty.


thank you Lizzi Mugdots Challenge LXXXVII "dangerous' thank you soooooo much and what picture did i win from?


Here it is the 18th of Septembe,r and I set the end of the Mugdots at the 17th.
I have counted thirteen entries for "Thirst", and I thought it was a big subject. I guess I should have offered more suggestions, such as , thirst for adventure, thirst for knowledge, thirst for fame etc., but the good news is there are 13 good pictures!
Jaybuddy submitted three, Clorophilla, Cathyallheart, and Qsilv put in 2 each, and we have one each by Dilcoura, 56Rosie, Alexischilli and Randylynne.
I could go on and on about the merits of each but I won't. They are all good. I have decided to pass the baton to Jaybuddy.
Jaybuddy, it's all in your hands now...Mugdots Challenge LXXXVII is your title. All you have to do is think of a topic for us to work on and post under New Topic! If you need help, you know where to find me.


here's one
