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thanks, mdawrcn for passing me the boton!


Ok, I guess I have put this off as long as I can. It is so difficult to choose.

Clorophilla, I love your “Being Alive.” What an obvious answer to my question and a beautiful representational drawing of the concept.

Thanks Arw65 and Qsilv for contributing the portraits of Arw65’s girls. Wonderful drawings.

Thanks to Akira, Clorophilla and dragonfly14 for the nature drawings and dragonfly14 what a lovely thought with your drawing - To add to the nature idea - my passion is growth, seeing through tests and challenges in life to the beautiful things just waiting to bloom.

Clorophilla, I love your “Smelling little things”, “Happy Birthday Autumn”, “BS Galactica: Felix Gaeta”, “ice cream”, and “The Kiss” drawings and Leslie gene your “Sunset” with a loved one is a beautiful passion.

AFSOUTH (“painting”), Normal (“music”), soefly (“playing with dolls”), and Chrissyjoy (“Katie-May celebrates turning 10 today!”) thank you all so much for your contributions. They are excellent. And Brunnhilde thank you for your thoughts.

Dragonfly14’s “Prometheus” – a passion for knowledge and discovery was a very worthy passion to have and Meanders last minute A Life of Music is a beautiful drawing.

Cathyallheart submitted several – an old one – “my doll blanket”, new ones – “dad's home!”, and “candy!” She guessed right when she guessed that I could relate to the candy pic. But of all the pics, Cathyallheart’s “my sisters” really tugged at my heartstrings. What a great picture and a lovely sentiment! I am so impressed and I pass the baton to you.


i love my little sisters.


well- at present, this for me is more a wish than a passion, but...