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Thank you Chrissyjoy for choosing me. I am honored, and will be happy to present the next challenge. Let me think on it for a bit. I will be back soon with something I hope will be interesting.


Thanks to everyone who entered this challenge. The winner is Mdawrcn with The Dance, I love the loving atmosphere created between the couple as they dance to music you can imagine clearly through the image. Congratulations Mdawrcn, I look forward to seeing what you chose for the next challenge!


Hi chrissy I enjoyed to join this challenge but please don't consider me for the competition, as I'm in charge on the other challenge - opposites meet.
thank you!


musical technology


Some great pictures, thank you for entering them all! I'm going to be away from Sat until next Thursday, this challenge was due to finish Sunday, it will now be extended until Thursday 24th. Be inspired!