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kitten008 - u know how you don't want people to dis your (or any) cats, "ever"?

Let's agree not to dis (broadly label as "ugly") someone you could look up in wikipedia while you're googling, 'k?

Thx (...and btw, some of your pieces are quite clever; that Flower Explosion is beautiful!)


i dont get it? who is alice cooper cauz im not sure and her/his pictures on google are ugly


congrats to the winners!! all the pics were so good! hope you had a happy birthday faithfool...


Everyone, I am SO sorry!! My computer crapped out and I completely apologize for the delay (and I don't mind solo's babbling [heh] at all). Thank you guys for all the birthday wishes (even while I'm here at the 'home -- hee!), great pictures and patience until I could get back.

So without further ado, the winner is....

Actually a three-way tie!!

Here are my absolute favorites and the folks who I'll be incorporating into my Yin and Yang series: for Spider era Alice for young Alice for RSILF Alice

So congratulations Arw65, Qsilv and Luna!!! Each and everyone of you did excellent work, and that definitely includes all the wonderful runner's ups. Thank you for making this an excellent birthday and for being such terrific artists!

I love this place!!!


Did they take faithfool away to the nursing home when she turned 41? Without her computer? Are you OK faithfool??