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Wow, I'm so surprised! Especially in such excellent company. Thank you so much!

Okay, I'm new at this and I don't want to repeat a topic... so I'll go sift through some old challenges and hopefully think of something good!


So right cloro~I meant to type 59~thats the # of the next challenge!


congrats jennifk!

ehm... LIX is 59!


I know, I know, I'm late! It's been really hard to choose from all the great entries! Marg & Q, I had to set you two out of the contest because there is no way I could choose between the sewing machines!!

The pic that was calling out the loudest to me is the old washing machine! After all bringing back a memory of my fingers caught in the rollers....well just can't resist passing jennifk the mugdot challenge!! Sooooooo...congrats to ya jen!!! Up to you now to set mugdots challenge LIX (58).
