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Congratulations to all Top5ers and many thanks for your comments! I'm in short on time too but drawing helps me get out of stress, with Art I'm feeling better and better. I'm enjoying in TD community, thanks again for sharing this wonderful atmosphere!



.. congrats to ALL Think Draw artists - and especial thanks and congratulations to the brilliant people who made Top 5 !

The wonderful pics are the main thing, of course - but the friendship, comments, ideas, criticisms and suggestions are what makes TD brilliant !


Congratulations to all TD USERS. THIS IS REALLY A GREAT COMMUNITY!!I deeply believe that Art makes any one a better person!! I am surely a happier person, since I've joined this wonderful artistic place.
Thanks again to TD Creators, and to every one spending their time in create pic. and those who votes, and give so supporting comments to all of us, for giving contribution to my life and my fantasy !!!!


Congrats to all who made top five. All pics deserving.


I could reply for mysel, hanging: I feel Art make me a better person, bc it helps me to mantain a connection with my true self, my inner rightness, a connection with others, life, the whole...