Title: I Have A Theory...
created on 17 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Doug wrote:
 I know a lot of TD people keep up on the TD funny pages!
2. Dragon wrote:
 Wow, is this multiple personality disorder in picture form? Love it!
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Oooh, those evil lurking eyes are ominous! Are they all the same person, or just her goons?
4. matthew wrote:
 I like it... Well I don't... How can you not like it? It's wonderful... It makes no sense... It makes perfect sense, just look at it... I can't, it is giving me a headache... I don't know how I put up with you... ME! that's it... I am leaving...
5. matthew wrote:
6. Doug wrote:
 Could be a full grown woman or a girl in pig tails, the two evil things at his/her back could be the evildoer secrets we are all so desparately waiting for.
7. marg wrote:
 waaahh ?.. I'm gonna have to look at this again tomorrow..