Title: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas everyone!
created on 11 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. Shanley wrote:
 This is for the greeting card challenge :).
2. matthew wrote:
 Santa in November... The toy stores have brain washed us... LOL... :)
3. Shanley wrote:
 I'm not a cheerleader of Santa-all-year-long marketing campaign Matthew. It's just that it was the only theme that had a clear illustration in mymind for this challenge :-??...
4. a4e4ka wrote:
 And it's very good, thank you! Love it!
5. Shanley wrote:
 By the way, I'd like to thank Chinky for doing that lovely Jack of hearts picture. As you may have noticed, I have lacked the courage of trying to work in avatars so far. His pic brought me some inspiration :). So this one's to you Chinky!
6. matthew wrote:
 I was just making a joke... didn't mean it to sound accusatory...
7. a4e4ka wrote:
 Because of your jokes in the showcase suggestion forum, Matthew, I announced this challenge now, when I have a chance...Hope to see your pic for the challenge!
8. Shanley wrote:
 Don't worry, Matthew, I didn'y mean to sound offended either. I know the theme looked pretty odd given the month and I thought perhaps there would be more TD-ers who haven't found out yet about the challenge. That's all :)
9. Hazer wrote:
 Good one Shanley!
10. NADIA wrote:
 Nice christmas Card!
11. katpedro wrote:
 Lovely card.
12. AJ26 wrote:
 i looooovvvvvve Christmas!!! i get up at 4:00 in the morning. i really like ties picture too. i give it a 9.
13. danila wrote:
 lovely indeed Shanley..
14. Madeline wrote: