Title: My old Buddy(Tombo)
created on 04 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (21):
1. NADIA wrote:
 This is a close up of my grumpy old Tombo,who died of cancer a view years back.
2. lilalee wrote:
 Oh, my!! Right in the face love!!
3. lilalee wrote:
 Bet, he was a good grumpy too!! So sorry to read this about Tombo.
4. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Nicely done and I'm sure he was wonderful! Cancer also took my boxer Pasha.
5. NADIA wrote:
 It takes you a while to recover,because you love them so much.Brakes the heart.I don't know what his breed is in english but in afrikaans he is a 'Boerbul',and I stil miss him everyday.
6. indigo wrote:
 I know how you feel. It's been 10 years for us and we still miss her a lot. We would love another dog but not sure we want to go through the pain...but if it's meant to be it will happen.
7. indigo wrote:
 I just checked out the breed on Google and it resembles a Mastif, also said Boerbul means Farmers dog...I love Mastifs and that look in general. Thanks for the info.as I like to watch on TV anything to do with dogs..love dog shows, never heard of Boerbul
8. NADIA wrote:
 It's hard,but if I where you guys,I would get another one,they never fill the void your old pet left,but at least you have this new lovable bundle in the house.I'll never be without any pets.
9. indigo wrote:
 We have a cat, actually we had two but the white one died a year ago from heart failure..it was hard but he was so sick. Our cat runs to the door each night to greet my husband, just like a dog and he is very vocal. We've had a lot of cats and he is diff
10. indigo wrote:
 different. Do you have another dog?
11. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Nadia, this picture is so fun! Love the expression. He looks like there's a stranger at your door and he's about to give him a warning!
12. NADIA wrote:
 Thanx Robin,I actually enjoyed making this one alot.
13. NADIA wrote:
 Yes Indigo,I also have another big breed dog,some boerbul mixed with labrador,and she is adorable.She crosses her legs like a lady,it cracks you up,and she loves children.
14. lynnspotter wrote:
 A great close-up Nadia! I might have a clean house if I had no animals! So much for a clean house!
15. matthias wrote:
 Love this one....oh this is very nice, the look on his face is a killer.hahaha
16. Hazer wrote:
 I have some "old buddy" memories too. My most recent loss..2 beautiful cocker spaniels...could still cry!
17. Hazer wrote:
 A beautiful tribute to a beloved friend!
18. coho wrote:
 Wonderful ! alas i still mourn Lassy my border collie golden retriever. DSometimes I feel like Mr Bo Jangles who's dog up and died and he grieved for 20 years, I'm keeping all 3 foster kitties. tho
19. Angela wrote:
 Boerboels are wonderful doggies! They are so much a part of the family. I had that special dog-baby that I will miss for the rest of my life. Some share a special bond & love that cannot be duplicated. Keep loving those good memories and I'm certain you'l
20. Angela wrote:
 see him again
21. NADIA wrote:
 Thank you Angela,for those kind words.I feel the same way.