Title: Brown Eagle(Mouse's Challenge)
created on 22 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. polenta wrote:
 very nice... and kind of scary... look at the beak!!!
2. arty wrote:
 Sorry I don't know what challlenge that is, But this is great.
3. Login wrote:
 It's Community - Challenge XVI, arty ... Birds of Prey.
4. Hazer wrote:
 Nicely done!
5. lilalee wrote:
6. marg wrote:
 sorry, Nadia.. haven't caught up with the challenge yet, but this is a beaut eagle !
7. indigo wrote:
 One good looking bird! Nicely done Nadia!
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 Nice one!
9. coho wrote:
 Nice and the beak is excellent just like a raptor!
10. coho wrote:
 I like how he's in the tree top.