Title: Please don't make me kiss the Camel!
created on 04 Oct 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. mekeys wrote:
 I know i'm not kissing any camel for sure..
2. marg wrote:
 like it, Doug ! (er.. which one's the camel ??)
3. Doug wrote:
 You are so funny you "artista" you! lol. Guess thats' why I don't make the TOP5...
4. NADIA wrote:
5. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Good one! Ahab the Arab and his camel Clyde??? You're too young to remember that song, it's by Ray Stevens...
6. marg wrote:
 LOL, Doug.. just realised this was for a challenge !
7. Doug wrote:
 It didn't start that way marg, just happened like most of my "mindless art". It comes from inside, not a copy...
8. Doug wrote:
 yeah indigo too young for that song, but I do remember as a child one Ray Stevens song, but can't remember the name.