Title: untitled
created on 24 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. arty wrote:
 Another great piece from your imagination.
2. Trixie wrote:
3. lynnspotter wrote:
 I see a guy holding a praying mantis, looking pretty terrified!
4. picasso2 wrote:
 I see the individual. I was trying to figure out what was being looked at. The praying mantis is a good idea.
5. indigo wrote:
 I see a youngster looking at...? I like it!
6. lilalee wrote:
 So unique!!
7. Doug wrote:
 I think this chromatic challenge has opened up a new challenge for me personally.
8. Doug wrote:
 But picture number 300 is coming up and you know what it has to be. lol.
9. indigo wrote:
 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But Doug keep some good ones for Oct.31 ;]
10. Doug wrote:
 Oh don't worry, but I'll have to store some up. Halloween is a "record sales" night at my store and the.....
11. Doug wrote:
 costumes on 35,000 college students is just a sight to see.
12. faithfool wrote: