Title: September Cover of "Field and Dream".
created on 19 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. bagel wrote:
 Cool playback!
2. indigo wrote:
 Ditto the playback and love the colors, nice pic!
3. mekeys wrote:
 Doug this
4. mekeys wrote:
 drawing deserves
5. mekeys wrote:
 more than 2 comments
6. mekeys wrote:
7. indigo wrote:
 (smile) ditto mekeys!
8. Doug wrote:
9. CoyoteGirl wrote:
 That's one stand-up deer!
10. matthew wrote:
 Doug... This is super...
11. matthew wrote:
12. sheftali52 wrote:
 This is very cool!
13. Qsilv wrote:
 hmmm... doug? that deer's left front hoof/paw/thing, the rest of the white shape with the round dark bit... (eyebrow twitching, wondering which of our imaginations is the more macabre...)
14. Doug wrote:
 Mine, trust me.