Title: Hopes and Dreams...(play)
created on 16 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (19):
1. CoyoteGirl wrote:
 For What?
2. DMarcella wrote:
 Chronic Fatigue?
3. Doug wrote:
 Both of our kids have Cystic Fibrosis which is a genetic disease where there is no cure. I drew this for Matthew's "hopes and dreams" Mugdots challenge.
4. indigo wrote:
 Wow Doug, I really hope and pray that a cure IS found for you and your family and all the families out there! :D
5. Login wrote:
 Ditto indigo's comment.
6. Login wrote:
 I just replayed it ... nicely done.
7. polenta wrote:
 I hope it's found.
8. Doug wrote:
9. mekeys wrote:
 Lets hope there will be a cure found soon..Of course it can't be soon enough..
10. matthew wrote:
 Doug, I don't know anything about C.F.... Could you share more about this struggle in the challenge thread... Like cancer, the more people talk about it & shed light on it, the better chance of funding a cure...
11. matthew wrote:
 Talking about cancer is hard for me right now & I will understand if you choose not to... But my wife & I were just talking about deseases that don't get talked about & CF was never mentioned... You might wish to share...
12. coho wrote:
 Nice animation! What I like to remind myself of frequently is that every disease has someone who has survived it aids , ebola, rabies , you name it, so there is nothing that can be called truly incurable there is always hope.
13. matthew wrote:
 Yes, the past teaches us that deadly deseases can not only be cured, but eradicated...
14. Doug wrote:
 Sorry, Coho, but there is no magic pill or "remission" for this one. Only....
15. Doug wrote:
 Matthew: I'll share some about the disease and its effects in the challenge, but I don't want to run into the same "mess" you find yourself in. Your challenge "is what it is" and I drew from the heart.
16. Doug wrote:
 And no its not your fault. I admire your talent. And thats' all I'm going to say about that (at least for now).lol.
17. marius wrote:
 Hope there is a cure found! My spouse worked at Easter Seals camp for years. He loved all the kids but tells the most stories about the CF kids. There was quite a maintenance regimen and this was 40 yrs ago!
18. marius wrote:
 Spouse said the CF kids LOVED camp and whenever staff had to pat the kids' backs, etc. that the kids took it in great stride. He was most impressed with their joy and courage.
19. marius wrote:
 Thanks for sharing with us Doug. Prayers for all your family + cure, are on-going. : )