Title: Fun Tuesday Theme: Tools!!
created on 04 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Doug wrote:
 Since I feel like I'm outnumbered by the ladies in these "games", they have let me have control of Fun Tuesday this week.
2. Doug wrote:
  I chose tools partly because it is synonymous with my last name which you can figure out by my Top 5 wife's screen name, but mostly because its a more manly thing than hats, shoes, etc that the ladies have a field day with.
3. Doug wrote:
 But fear not ladies...tools covers a wide spectrum and I'm sure with all your massive brain power and artistic talent you will find "tools" covers a wide range of possibilities and I look forward to seeing them. Will be out part of the day, but will chec
4. Doug wrote:
 (check in throughout the day and draw a few piks myself. Have fun!!!
5. Login wrote:
 I will try to make time for this, Doug. I'm no stranger to the toolbox and if I want something done I usually end up doing it myself (I'm impatient).
6. Arw65 wrote:
 so how does this whole fun tues. challenge work?
7. polenta wrote:
 Who's your wife Doug?
8. Doug wrote: