Title: chicken rocket/When Pigs Fly!!!
created on 25 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. Doug wrote:
 Its a double "airborne" pik. Where else would you see a "chicken" rocket ship and pigs flying than in one of my deranged "artists" moment. lol. Have fun with your challenge!
2. Login wrote:
 Flying above wildebeast as they migrate across the African plains.
3. marius wrote:
 Doug, you never know what a bit of levity will do! Check out mugdots airborne challenge - the next one is yours! Thanks for your entries!
4. marius wrote:
 Also, here are past Mugdots themes from V through XXII. Landmakrs, fav sotry character, fantasy, my favorite things, food, ancient art, movies, impress a child, sports, baby animals, fantasy, fables, tropical, music, fav moments in your life, children's
5. marius wrote:
 stories, airborne. (and story not sotry)