Title: Inside the Fire by Disturbed
created on 13 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. marius wrote:
spgy_8 This is link for fav childhood song, titled, "one-eyed one-horned purple people eater"!
2. marius wrote:
 I was going to draw it, but you're the king of monsters and such. Thought you'd want the honors. : )
3. marius wrote:
 And like this 'disturbed' pic too!
4. marius wrote:
 Try link in challenge page!
5. Doug wrote:
 Marius: will do, have to go to bed for today. I'll work on that one tomorrow.
6. lilalee wrote:
 Far out!!!!!
7. Login wrote:
 Good representation, Doug. Thanks for entering it in Songtitles challenge.