Title: Just getting away!
created on 02 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Doug wrote:
 This is for KM's challenge. One of my most memorable, special moments was when Kathy, her dad and mom took me for a getaway weekend for my birthday. We went on a steam engine train ride, went to Indian Caverns, and just enjoyed nature. We just don't ge
2. Arw65 wrote:
 this sounds great, and looks great too!
3. KStanley wrote:
 Suck UP...It will not help keep you from gettin into trouble sir....LOL
4. Qsilv wrote:
 a patchwork quilt of countryside... love it
5. Margaret wrote:
 Beautiful picture and beautiful memories.
6. KStanley wrote:
 This took months of planning. OUr son had just spend months in the hospital with surgery after surgery and I felt we all needed a break...I suckered my parent into coming with us to give us a hand with our child. Both of our children are terminally ill
7. KStanley wrote:
 and require many medication and treatments daily. My family which has adopted my husband as their own agree and we all head off for themountains. Our old son pucked the whole way there and out youngest son scream the whole way back..(later to find the h
8. KStanley wrote:
 It is strange that when you look back on these things you would never change them for the world...you almost forget all of the bad things and remember spending time with the people you care about.
9. debray wrote:
 This is simply stunning!!